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Design Patterns UNIT-2

 A Case Study: Design a Document Editor

¾    This chapter presents a case study in the design of a "What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get" (or "WYSIWYG") document editor called Lexi.
¾    We'll see how design patterns capture solutions to design problems in Lexi.
¾    A WYSIWYG representation of the document occupies the large rectangular area in the center.
¾    The document can mix text and graphics freely in a variety of formatting styles.
¾    Surrounding the document are the usual pull-down menus and scroll bars, and a collection of page icons for jumping to a particular page in the document.


 Design Problems:

Seven problems in Lexis's design:

Document Structure:

The choice of internal representation for the document affects nearly every aspect of Lexis's design.

  All editing, formatting, displaying, and textual analysis will require traversing the representation.

  The way we organize those impacts design information.


   How does Lexi actually arrange text and graphics into lines and columns?

   What objects are responsible for carrying out different formatting policies?

   How do these policies interact with the document’s internal representation?

 Embellishing the user interface:

    Lexis user interface include scroll bar, borders and drop shadows that decorate the WYSIWYG document interface.

   Such trimmings are likely to change as Lexis user interface evolves.

 Supporting multiple look-and-feel standards:

         Lexi should adapt easily to different look-and-feel standards such as Motif and Presentation                       Manager (PM) without major modification.

   Supporting multiple window systems.

    Different look-and-feel standards are usually implemented on different window system.

    Lexi’s design should be independent of the window system as possible.

 User Operations:

   User control Lexi through various interfaces, including buttons and pull-down menus.

   The functionality beyond these interfaces is scattered throughout the objects in the application.

 Spelling checking and Hyphenation (automated process of breaking words):

    How does Lexi support analytical operations checking for misspelled words and determining hyphenation points?

    How can we minimize the number of classes we have to modify to add a new analytical operation?

Document Structure

Document Structure

   An arrangement of graphical elements (characters, lines, polygon, other shapes) and structural elements (lines, columns, figures, tables, and other substructures).

    Lexi's user interface should let users manipulate these substructures directly. That helps make the interface simple.

   For example, a user should be able to treat a diagram as a unit rather than as a collection of individual graphical primitives.


    The internal representation should support:

  maintaining the document’s physical structure.

   generating and presenting the document’s visual aspects.

 mapping positions on the display to elements in the internal representations (drawing, hit detection, alignment, etc).


Some constraints

   We should treat text and graphics uniformly and let the user embed text and graphics freely.

    Our implementation shouldn’t have to distinguish between single elements and groups of elements in the internal representation.


Recursive Composition

    It is a common technique or a way to represent hierarchically structured information.

    It is a way to compose a document out of style graphical elements.

    Tile a set of characters and graphics from left to right to form a line in the document.

Then multiple lines can be arranged to form a column, multiple columns can form a page, and so on.

   This approach has two important implications.

    The objects need corresponding classes.

    These classes must have compatible interfaces, to treat the objects uniformly.



    define glyph abstract class for all objects that can appear in a document structure.

    Sub classes define primitive graph elements and structural elements.

    Glyph has three basic responsibilities, they know

    How to draw themselves.

    What space they occupy.

   Their children and parent.

  The figure shows Partial Glyph class hierarchy.

    Glyph sub classes redefine the Draw operation to render themselves onto a window.

    They are passed a reference to a Window object in the call to Draw.

    The Window class defines graphics operations for rendering text and basic shapes in a window on the screen.

   A Rectangle subclass of Glyph might redefine Draw as follows:

void Rectangle::Draw (Window* w)


w->DrawRect(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1);


    Where _x0, _y0, _x1, and _y1 are data members of Rectangle that define two opposing corners of the rectangle.

    Draw Rect is the Window operation that makes the rectangle appear on the screen.

    A parent glyph often needs to know how much space a child glyph occupies.

Figure. Partial Glyph class hierarchy


      Representation and formatting are distinct.

      The user might want to vary margin widths, indentation, and tabulation; single or double space;and probably many other formatting constraints.

     How to construct a particular physical structure is one that corresponds to a properly formatted document.

      The ability to capture the document’s physical structure doesn’t tell us how to arrive at a particular structure.

     Here formatting means that breaking a collection of glyphs into lines.

      The technique used to break glyph into line is Encapsulating the formatting algorithm.

Encapsulating the formatting algorithm:


     Formatting algorithms are complex.
     It is desirable to keep formatting algorithms completely independent of the document structure.

     we could add a new kind of Glyph subclass without regard to the formatting algorithm.

     Conversely, adding a new formatting algorithm shouldn't require modifying existing glyphs.

      so that it is easy to change the formatting algorithm at least at compile-time, if not at run-time as well.

     We’ll define a separate class hierarchy for objects that encapsulate formatting algorithms.

     The root of the hierarchy will define an interface that supports a wide range of formatting algorithms.

             Each subclass will implement the interface to carry out a particular algorithm.

      Then introduce a Glyph subclass that will structure its children automatically using a given algorithm object.



                         Fig.  Composition and Compositor class relationships.

Compositor and Composition:


      We’ll define a Compositor class for objects that can encapsulate a formatting algorithm.

      Interface lets the compositor know that glyphs to format? and when?

      The glyphs Compositor formats are the children of a special Glyph subclass called Composition.

  When the composition needs formatting, it calls its compositor’s Compose operation. Each Compositor subclass can implement a different line breaking algorithm.

      An unformatted Composition object contains only the visible glyphs that make up the document's basic content.

     It doesn't contain glyphs that determine the document's physical structure, such as Row  and  Column.

     When the composition needs formatting, it calls its compositor's Compose operation.

      Compositor iterates through the composition's children and inserts new Row and Column glyphsaccording to its line breaking algorithm.

      The Compositor-Composition class split ensures a strong separation between code that supports the document’s physical structure and the code for different formatting algorithms.

Fig. Object structure reflecting compositor-directed line breaking

Strategy pattern:


      Encapsulating an algorithm in an object is the intent of the strategy pattern.

     The key participants are strategy objects.

      Compositors are strategies. They encapsulate different formatting algorithms.

     A composition is the context for a compositor strategy.

The key to applying strategy patterns is designing interface for the strategy and its context








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