Designing reusable object-oriented software is harder.
Must find relevant
objects, factor them into classes at the right granularity, define class
interfaces and inheritance hierarchies, and establish key relationships among
Design should be
specific to the problem at hand but also general enough to address future
problems and requirements.
Avoid redesign, or at
least minimize it.
Expert designers reuse
solutions that have worked for them in the past.
When they find a good
solution, they use it again and again; consequently, you'll find recurring
patterns of classes and communicating objects in many object-oriented systems.
These patterns solve
specific design problems and make object-oriented designs more flexible,
elegant, and ultimately reusable.
A designer who is
familiar with such patterns can apply them immediately to design problems
without having to rediscover them.
Design patterns make it
easier to reuse successful designs and architectures.
Design patterns help
you choose design alternatives that make a system reusable and avoid
alternatives that compromise re usability.
Design patterns help a
designer get a design "right" faster.
Each pattern describes
a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then
describes the core of the solution to that problem.
The design patterns are
descriptions of communicating objects and
classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular
· The design pattern
identifies the participating classes and instances, their roles and
collaborations, and the distribution of responsibilities.
In general, a pattern
has four essential elements:
1. The
pattern name
It is a handle we can
use to describe a design problem, its solutions, and consequences in a word or
Naming a pattern
immediately increases our design vocabulary.
It lets us design at a
higher level of abstraction.
· Having a vocabulary for
patterns lets us talk about them with our colleagues, in our documentation.
It makes it easier to
think about designs and to communicate them and their trade-offs to others.
2. The
Describes when to apply
the pattern.
It explains the problem
and its context.
It might describe
specific design problems such as how to represent algorithms as objects.
It might describe class
or object structures that are symptomatic of an inflexible design.
3. The solution
· Describes the elements
that make up the design, their relationships, responsibilities, and
The solution doesn't
describe a particular concrete design or implementation, because a pattern is
like a template that can be applied in many different situations.
· The pattern
provides an abstract description of a design problem and how a general
arrangement of elements (classes and objects) solves it.
4. The consequences
· Consequences are the results and
trade-offs of applying the pattern.
· They are critical for
evaluating design alternatives and for understanding the costs and benefits of
applying the pattern.
The consequences for
software often concern space and time trade-offs.
They may address
language and implementation issues as well.
· The consequences of a
pattern include its impact on a system's flexibility, extensibility, or
Listing these
consequences explicitly helps you understand and evaluate them.
1.2. Design Patterns
in Smalltalk MVC
The Model/View/Controller triad of classes
is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk.
MVC consists of three kinds of
§ Application object which carries data.
o View:
o View:
§ Screen presentation. i.e. Visualization of data that model contains.
§ The way the user interface reacts to user input.
§ Acts on model and view.
§ Controls data flow into model object and update view.
§ Keeps model and view separately.
MVC decouples these objects to
increase flexibility and reuse.
MVC decouples views and models by
establishing a subscribe/notify protocol between them.
A view must ensure that its
appearance must reflect the state of the model.
Whenever the model’s data changes,
the model notifies views that depend on it.
In response, each view gets an
opportunity to update itself.
You can also create new views for a
model without rewriting it.
· The below diagram shows a model and three views.
· The below diagram shows a model and three views.
The model contains some data values,
and the views defining a spreadsheet, histogram, and pie chart display these
data in various ways.
The model communicates with it’s
values change, and the views communicate with the model to access these values.
1.3.Describing Design Patterns
Graphical notations may be used to
describe design pattern.
Graphical notations, while important and
useful, aren’t sufficient.
· They capture the end product of the
design process as relationships between classes and objects.
· To reuse the design, we must also record the decisions,
alternatives, and trade-offs that led to it.
By using a consistent format we describe
the design pattern.
Each pattern is divided into sections
according to the following template.
Pattern Name and Classification:
Pattern Name and Classification:
· Pattern name and classification conveys the essence of the pattern briefly
and clearly, good name is vital, because it will become part of design
A short statement answers the following
What does the design pattern do?
What is its reason and purpose?
What particular design issue or problem
does it address?
Known As:
Other well-known names for the pattern,
if any.
· A scenario that illustrates a design
problem and how the class and object structures in the pattern solve the
The scenario will help understand the
more abstract description of the pattern that follows.
What are the situations in which the
design patterns can be applied?
What are examples of the poor designs
that the pattern can address?
How can recognize situations?
· Graphical representation of the classes
in the pattern using a notation based on the object Modeling Technique (OMT).
The classes and/or objects participating
in the design pattern and their responsibilities.
How the participants collaborate to
carry out their responsibilities.
How does the pattern support its
What is the trade-offs and result of
using the pattern?
What aspect of the system structure does
it let vary independently? Implementation:
What pitfalls, hints, or techniques
should be aware of when implementing the pattern?
Are there language-specific issues?
Code fragments that illustrate how might
implement the pattern in c++ or Smalltalk.
Examples of the pattern found in real
systems. Related Patterns:
What design patterns are closely related
to this one? What are the imp differences? With Which other patterns should
this one be used?
Related Patterns:
Related Patterns:
What design patterns are closely related
to this one?
What are the important differences?
With which other patterns should this
one be used?
1.4.The Catalog of Design Patterns
catalog contains 23 design patterns.
Abstract Factory
· Provide an interface for creating
families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete
2. Adapter
2. Adapter
the interface of a class
into another interface clients expect.
· Adapter lets classes work together that
couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.
3. Bridge
3. Bridge
Decouple an abstraction from its implementation
so that the two can vary
4. Builder
4. Builder
· Separate the construction of a complex
object from its representation so that the same construction process can create
different representations.
5. Chain of Responsibility
5. Chain of Responsibility
· Avoid coupling the sender of a request
to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request.
· Chain the receiving objects and pass the
request along the chain until an object handles it.
6. Command
6. Command
· Encapsulate a request as an object,
thereby letting you parameterize
clients with different requests, queue
or log requests, and support undo able operations.
7. Composite
7. Composite
· Compose objects into tree structures to
represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual
objects and compositions of objects uniformly.
8. Decorator
8. Decorator
Attach additional responsibilities to an
object dynamically.
Decorators provide a flexible
alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.
9. Facade
9. Facade
Provide a unified interface to a set of
interfaces in a subsystem.
Facade defines a
higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.
10. Factory Method
10. Factory Method
an interface for creating an object, but let sub classes decide which class to instantiate.
· Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to sub classes.
11. Flyweight
· Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.
12. Interpreter
· Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.
13. Iterator
· Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to sub classes.
11. Flyweight
· Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.
12. Interpreter
· Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.
13. Iterator
· Provide
a way to access the
elements of an aggregate object
sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.
14. Mediator
14. Mediator
· Define an object that encapsulates how a
set of objects interact.
· Mediator promotes loose coupling by
keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary
their interaction independently.
· Without
violating encapsulation, capture
and externalize an object's
internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later.
16. Observer
16. Observer
· Define a one-to-many dependency between
objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified
and updated automatically.
17. Prototype
17. Prototype
· Specify
the kinds of objects to create using
a prototypical instance, and create new objects by
copying this prototype.
18. Proxy
18. Proxy
Provide a surrogate or placeholder for
another object to control access to it.
Ensure a class only has one instance,
and provide a global point of access to it.
20. State
20. State
Allow an object to alter its behavior
when its internal state changes.
The object will appear to change its
21. Strategy
21. Strategy
Define a family of algorithms,
encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable.
Strategy lets the algorithm vary
independently from clients that use it.
22. Template Method
22. Template Method
Define the skeleton of an algorithm in
an operation, deferring some steps to sub classes.
· Template Method lets sub classes redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing
the algorithm's structure.
Represent an operation to be performed
on the elements of an object
· Visitor
lets you define
a new operation without changing
the classes of the elements on which it
1.5.Organizing the Catalog
· Design patterns vary in their granularity and level of abstraction.
We classify design
patterns by two criteria.
o Purpose
- reflects what a pattern does. Patterns can have creational, structural, or
behavioral purpose.
o Scope
- specifies whether the pattern applies primarily to classes or to objects.
Chain of
Responsibility Command
patterns concern the process of object creation.
patterns deal with the composition of classes or objects.
· Behavioral patterns
characterize the ways in which classes or objects interact and distribute
Class patterns deal
with relationships between classes and their subclasses.
· These relationships are
established through inheritance, so they are static—fixed at compile-time.
· Object patterns deal
with object relationships, which can be changed at run-time and are more
Creational class
patterns defer some part of object creation to subclasses.
Creational object
patterns defer it to another object.
Structural class patterns
use inheritance to compose classes.
Structural object
patterns describe ways to assemble objects.
Behavioral class
patterns use inheritance to describe algorithms and flow of control.
Behavioral object
patterns describe how a group of objects cooperate to perform a task that no
single object can carry out alone.
There are other ways to
organize the patterns.
Some patterns are often
used together.
Some patterns are
Some patterns result in
similar designs even though the patterns have different intents.
Another way to organize
design patterns is according to how they reference each other in their
"Related Patterns" sections.
1.6 How Design
Patterns Solve Design Problems
Design patterns
solve many of the day-to-day problems object-oriented designers face, and in
many different ways. Here are several of these problems and how design patterns
solve them.
Appropriate Objects
¾ Object-oriented
programs are made up of objects.
¾ An
object packages both data and the procedures (methods or operations) that
operate on that data.
¾ An
object performs an operation when it receives a request (or message) from a
¾ Requests
are the only way to get an object to execute an operation.
¾ Operations
are the only way to change an object's internal data.
¾ the
object's internal state is said to be encapsulated;
¾ It
cannot be accessed directly, and its representation is invisible from outside
the object.
¾ The
hard part about object-oriented design is decomposing a system into objects.
¾ The
task is difficult because many factors come into play: encapsulation, granularity,
dependency, flexibility, performance, evolution, reusability, and so on.
¾ They
all influence the decomposition, often in conflicting ways.
¾ Design
patterns help to identify less-obvious abstractions and the objects that can
capture them.
Determining Object
¾ Objects
can vary tremendously in size and number.
¾ They
can represent everything down to the hardware or all the way up to entire
¾ Design
patterns address the issue that how to decide what should be an object?
¾ The
Facade pattern describes how to represent complete subsystems as objects.
¾ Flyweight
pattern describes how to support huge numbers of objects at the finest
¾ Other
design patterns describe specific ways of decomposing an object into smaller
Object Interfaces
¾ Every
operation declared by an object specifies the operation's name, parameters, and
the operation's return value.
¾ This
is known as the operation's signature.
¾ The
set of all signatures defined by an object's operations is called the interface
to the object.
¾ An
object's interface characterizes the complete set of requests that can be sent
to the object.
¾ Any
request that matches a signature in the object's interface may be sent to the
¾ Interfaces are fundamental in object-oriented systems.
¾ Interfaces are fundamental in object-oriented systems.
¾ Objects
are known only through their interfaces.
¾ There
is no way to know anything about an object or to ask it to do anything without
going through its interface.
¾ Two
objects having different implementations can have identical interfaces.
¾ When
a request is sent to an object, the particular operation that's performed
depends on both the request and the receiving object.
¾ Different
objects that support identical requests may have different implementations of
the operations.
¾ A
type is a name used to denote a particular interface.
¾ An
object may have many types, and widely different objects can share a type.
¾ Part
of an object's interface may be characterized by one type, and other parts by
other types.
¾ Two
objects of the same type need only share parts of their interfaces.
¾ Interfaces
can contain other interfaces as subsets.
¾ A
type is a sub type of another if its interface contains the interface of its
super type.
¾ A
sub type inheriting the interface of its super type.
¾ The
run-time association of a request to an object and one of its operations is
known as dynamic binding.
¾ Issuing
a request doesn't commit you to a particular implementation until run-time.
¾ Lets
you substitute objects that have identical interfaces for each other at
¾ It
lets a client object make few assumptions about other objects beyond supporting
a particular interface.
¾ Polymorphism
simplifies the definitions of clients, decouples objects from each other, and
lets them vary their relationships to each other at run-time.
¾ Design
patterns help you define interfaces by identifying their key elements and the
kinds of data that get sent across an interface.
¾ Design
patterns tell you what not to put in the interface.
¾ Design
patterns specify relationships between interfaces.
Object Implementations
¾ An
object's implementation is defined by its class.
¾ The
class specifies the object's internal data and the operations the object can
¾ Objects
are created by instantiating a class.
¾ The
object is said to be an instance of the class.
¾ The
process of instantiating a class allocates storage for the object's internal data
and associates the operations with these data.
¾ Many
similar instances of an object can be created by instantiating a class.
¾ New
classes can be defined in terms of existing classes using class inheritance.
¾ When
a subclass inherits from a parent class, it includes the definitions of all the
data and operations that the parent class defines.
¾ Objects
that are instances of the subclass will contain all data defined by the
subclass and its parent classes, and perform all operations defined by this
subclass and its parents.
class and Concrete Class
¾ An abstract
class is one whose main purpose is to define a common interface for its
¾ An
abstract class will defer some or all of its implementation to operations
defined in subclasses; hence an abstract class cannot be instantiated.
¾ The
operations that an abstract class declares but doesn't implement are called abstract operations.
¾ Classes
that aren't abstract are called concrete classes.
¾ Subclasses
can refine and redefine behaviors of their parent classes.
¾ A
class may override an operation defined by its parent class.
¾ Class
inheritance lets you define classes simply by extending other classes, making
it easy to define families of objects having related functionality.
¾ A
mixin class is a class that's intended to provide an optional interface or
functionality to other classes. It's similar to an abstract class in that it's
not intended to be instantiated. Mixin classes require multiple inheritances.
Class versus
Interface Inheritance
class vs. its type:
¾ An
object's class defines how the object is implemented.
¾ The
class defines the object's internal state and the implementation of its
¾ An
object's type only refers to its interface—the set of requests to which it can
¾ An
object can have many types, and objects of different classes can have the same
inheritance vs. Interface inheritance:
¾ Class
inheritance defines an object's implementation in terms of another object's
¾ It’s
a mechanism for code and representation sharing.
¾ Interface
inheritance (or subtyping) describes when an object can be used in place of
Programming to
an Interface, not an Implementation
¾ Class
inheritance is a mechanism for extending an application's functionality by
reusing functionality in parent classes.
¾ It
lets you define a new kind of object rapidly without new implementations.
¾ When
inheritance is used properly, all classes derived from an abstract class will
share its interface.
¾ This
implies that a subclass adds or overrides operations and does not hide
operations of the parent class.
¾ All
subclasses can then respond to the requests in the interface of this abstract
class, making them all subtypes of the abstract class.
¾ There
are two benefits to manipulating objects in terms of the interface defined by
abstract classes:
1. Clients remain unaware of the specific
types of objects they use, as long as the objects adhere to the interface that
clients expect.
2. Clients remain unaware of the classes
that implement these objects. Clients only know about the abstract class(es)
defining the interface.
¾ It
reduces implementation dependencies between subsystems
¾ Don't
declare variables to be instances of particular concrete classes.
¾ Instead,
commit only to an interface defined by an abstract class.
Putting Reuse
Mechanisms to Work
¾ Most
people can understand concepts like objects, interfaces, classes, and
¾ The
challenge lies in applying them to build flexible, reusable software, and
design patterns.
Class Inheritance versus Object Composition
¾ The
two most common techniques for reusing functionality in object-oriented systems
are class inheritance and object composition.
¾ Class inheritance lets you define the implementation of one class in terms of another's.
¾ Class inheritance lets you define the implementation of one class in terms of another's.
¾ Reuse
by sub classing is often referred to as white-box reuse.
¾ Internals
of parent classes are often visible to sub classes.
¾ Object
composition is an alternative to class inheritance.
¾ New
functionality is obtained by composing objects to get more complex
¾ Reuse
by Object composition is called black-box reuse.
¾ no
internal details of objects are visible.
and Disadvantages Class inheritance
¾ defined
statically at compile-time and is straightforward to use
¾ Supported
directly by the programming language.
¾ Easier
to modify the implementation being reused.
¾ Can’t
change the implementations inherited from parent classes at run-time, because
inheritance is defined at compile-time.
¾ Parent
classes often define at least part of their subclasses' physical
¾ breaks
¾ Any
change in the parent's implementation will force the subclass to change.
¾ The
parent class must be rewritten if inherited implementation is not appropriate
for new problem domains.
¾ Limits
flexibility and re usability.
and Disadvantages of Object composition
¾ Defined
dynamically at run-time.
¾ Don’t
break encapsulation.
¾ Any
object can be replaced at run-time by another as long as it has the same type.
¾ Fewer
implementation dependencies.
¾ Object
composition helps to keep each class encapsulated and focused on one task.
¾ Delegation is a
way of making composition for reuse.
¾ In
delegation, two objects are involved in handling a request.
¾ A
receiving object delegates operations to its delegate.
¾ The
receiver passes itself to the delegate to let the delegated operation refer to
the receiver.
¾ For
example, instead of making class Window a subclass of Rectangle, the Window
class might reuse the behavior of Rectangle by keeping a Rectangle instance
variable and delegating.
¾ Instead of a Window being a Rectangle, it would have a Rectangle. Window must now forward requests to its Rectangle instance explicitly.
¾ Instead of a Window being a Rectangle, it would have a Rectangle. Window must now forward requests to its Rectangle instance explicitly.
¾ The
diagram depicts the Window class delegating its Area operation to a Rectangle
¾ A
plain arrowhead line indicates that a class keeps a reference to an instance of
another class. The reference has an optional name, "rectangle" in
this case.
and disadvantage of delegation
¾ Easy
to compose behaviors at run-time and to change the way they're composed.
¾ Dynamic,
highly parameterized software is harder to understand than more static
¾ Run-time
¾ Good
design choice only when it simplifies complexity.
¾ Works
best when it's used in highly stylized ways—that is, in standard patterns.
versus Parameterized Types
¾ Another
technique for reusing functionality.
¾ Also
known as generics (Ada, Eiffel) and templates (C++).
¾ Lets
you define a type without specifying all the other types it uses.
¾ Unspecified
types are supplied as parameters at the point of use.
¾ Parameterized
types give us a way (in addition to class inheritance and object composition)
to compose behavior in object-oriented systems.
¾ Many
designs can be implemented using any of these three techniques.
1. An operation implemented by subclasses
(an application of Template Method)
2. The responsibility of an object that's
passed to the sorting routine (Strategy)
3. An argument of a C++ template or Ada
generic that specifies the name of the function to call to compare the
composition vs. Inheritance
vs. Parameterized types
¾ Object
composition lets you change the behavior being composed at
run-time, but it also requires indirection and can be less efficient.
¾ Inheritance lets
you provide default implementations for operations and lets subclasses override
¾ Parameterized
let you change the types that a class can use.
Run-Time and Compile-Time Structures
¾ An
object-oriented program's run-time structure often bears little resemblance to
its code structure.
¾ The
code structure is frozen at compile-time; it consists of classes in fixed
inheritance relationships.
¾ A
program's run-time structure consists of rapidly changing networks of
communicating objects.
aggregation vs. acquaintance
¾ Object
aggregation and acquaintance tells us how differently they manifest themselves
at compile- and run-times.
¾ Aggregation
and acquaintance are often implemented in the same way.
¾ Aggregation - An object having or being part of another object.
¾ Aggregation - An object having or being part of another object.
¾ An
aggregate object and its owner have identical lifetimes.
¾ Aggregation
relationships are more permanent than acquaintance.
¾ Acquaintance – An
object merely knows of another object.
¾ Sometimes
acquaintance is called "association" or the "using"
¾ Acquainted
objects may request operations of each other, but they aren't responsible for
each other.
¾ Acquaintance
is a weaker relationship than aggregation.
¾ Suggests
much looser coupling between objects.
¾ Acquaintances
are made and remade more frequently.
¾ Acquaintances
are more dynamic.
¾ Hence,
code won't reveal everything about how a system will work.
¾ System's
run-time structure must be imposed by the designer than the language.
Designing for
¾ A
design that doesn't take change into account risks major redesign in the
future. Those changes might involve class redefinition and reimplementation,
client modification, and retesting.
¾ Redesign
affects many parts of the software system, and unanticipated changes are
invariably expensive.
¾ Design
patterns help you avoid redesign by ensuring that a system can change in
specific ways.
¾ Each
design pattern lets some aspect of system structure vary independently of other
Common causes of
1. Creating an object by specifying a
class explicitly.
2. Dependence on specific operations.
3. Dependence on hardware and software
4. Dependence on object representations or
5. Algorithmic dependencies.
6. Tight coupling. Classes that are
tightly coupled are hard to reuse.
7. Extending functionality by subclassing.
8. Inability to alter classes
The role design patterns
in the development of three broad classes of software: application programs,
toolkits, and frameworks.
¾ Internal
reuse, maintainability, and extension are high priorities.
¾ Design
patterns that reduce dependencies can increase internal reuse.
¾ Looser
coupling helps that one class of object can cooperate with several others.
¾ Design
patterns make an application more maintainable when they're used to limit
platform dependencies and to layer a system.
¾ Enhances
extensibility by showing how to extend class hierarchies and how to exploit
object composition.
¾ Reduced
coupling enhances extensibility.
¾ Extending
a class in isolation is easier if the class doesn't depend on other classes.
¾ A
toolkit is a set of related and reusable classes designed to provide
general-purpose functionality.
¾ Toolkits
don't impose a particular design on your application
¾ They
provide functionality that helps the application do its job.
¾ They
avoid recoding common functionality.
¾ Toolkits
emphasize code reuse.
¾ Design
is harder than application design.
¾ A
framework is a set of cooperating classes that make up a reusable design for a
specific class of software.
¾ Framework
can be customized to a particular application by creating application-specific
subclasses of abstract classes.
¾ Framework
dictates the architecture of your application.
¾ So
that the application designer/implementer, can concentrate on the specifics of
your application.
¾ The
framework captures the design decisions that are common to its application
¾ Frameworks
thus emphasize design reuse over code reuse, though a framework will usually
include concrete subclasses you can put to work immediately.
¾ When you use a toolkit you write the main body
of the application and call the code you want to reuse.
¾ When
you use a framework, you reuse the main body and write the code it calls.
of framework
¾ Building
applications faster if the applications have similar structures.
¾ Easier
to maintain
¾ More
consistent to their users.
design issues are most critical to framework design.
¾ A
framework that addresses design issues using design patterns is far more likely
to achieve high levels of design and code reuse than one that doesn't.
¾ Mature
frameworks usually incorporate several design patterns.
¾ The
patterns help make the framework's architecture suitable to many different
applications without redesign.
¾ People
who know the patterns gain insight into the framework faster.
¾ Even
people who don't know the patterns can benefit from the structure they lend to
the framework's documentation.
¾ Enhancing
documentation is important for all types of software, but it's particularly
important for frameworks.
Differences design
patterns and frameworks:
1. Design patterns are more abstract than
2. Design patterns are smaller
architectural elements than frameworks.
3. Design patterns are less specialized
than frameworks.
to Select a Design Pattern
It might be hard to find the one that
addresses a particular design problem.
Several different approaches to find the
design pattern that's right for the problem:
Consider how design patterns solve
design problems.
· It discusses how design patterns help
you find appropriate objects, determine object granularity, specify object
interfaces, and several other ways in which design patterns solve design
Scan Intent sections.
· Read through each pattern's intent to
find one or more that sound relevant to your problem.
Study how patterns interrelate.
· Studying these relationships between
design patterns graphically can help direct to the right pattern or group of
Study patterns of like purpose.
The catalog has three chapters
(creational, structural, and behavioral patterns).
Each chapter starts off with
introductory comments on the patterns and concludes with a section that
compares and contrasts them.
These sections give you insight into the
similarities and differences between patterns of like purpose.
Examine a cause of redesign.
Look at the causes of redesign to see if
your problem involves one or more of them.
Then look at the patterns that help you
avoid the causes of redesign.
Consider what should be variable in your
· Instead of considering what might force
a change to a design, consider what you want to be able to change without
· The focus here is on encapsulating the
concept that varies a theme of many design patterns.
to Use a Design Pattern
step-by-step approach to applying a design pattern effectively, once a design
pattern is picked:
Read the pattern once through for an
· Pay particular attention to the
Applicability and Consequences sections to ensure the pattern is right for your
Go back and study the Structure,
Participants, and Collaborations sections.
· Make sure you understand the classes and
objects in the pattern and how they relate to one another.
Look at the Sample Code section to see a
concrete example of the pattern in code.
· Studying the code helps you learn how to
implement the pattern.
Choose names for pattern participants
that are meaningful in the application context.
· The names for participants in design
patterns are usually too abstract to appear directly in an application.
· It’s useful to incorporate the
participant name into the name that appears in the application.
· That helps make the pattern more
explicit in the implementation.
· For example, if you use the Strategy
pattern for a text compositing algorithm, then you might have classes
SimpleLayoutStrategy or TeXLayoutStrategy.
Define the classes.
Declare their interfaces, establish
their inheritance relationships, and define the instance variables that
represent data and object references.
Identify existing classes in your application
that the pattern will affect, and modify them accordingly.
Define application-specific names for
operations in the pattern.
The names generally depend on the
Use the responsibilities and
collaborations associated with each operation as a guide.
· Be consistent in your naming
conventions. For example, you might use the "Create-" prefix
consistently to denote a factory method.
Implement the operations to carry out
the responsibilities and collaborations in the pattern.
The Implementation section offers hints
to guide you in the implementation.
The examples in the Sample Code section
can help as well.
not to use them:
· Design patterns should not be applied
· Often they achieve flexibility and
variability by introducing additional levels of indirection, and that can
complicate a design and/or cost you some performance.
· A design pattern should only be applied
when the flexibility it affords is actually needed.
· The Consequences sections are most
helpful when evaluating a pattern's benefits and liabilities.
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